Junior Group Leader in Genome-assisted Breeding | CRAGJobs



Junior Group Leader in Genome-assisted Breeding

Publication date:
5 May 2021
Application Deadline:
21 Jun 2021
Staff Type:
Research Staff
Research Type:

Job description


What CRAG seeks

The Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) is currently seeking a Junior Group Leader in the area of genome-assisted breeding. We look for Junior applicants to start an independent Research Group at CRAG.

Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to: the implementation of genomic selection as a predictive approach for the improvement of complex traits in animals or plants; statistical and quantitative genetics applied to plant or animal breeding; the discovery of QTLs, causal mutations, or novel genes involved in important agronomic or livestock traits in experimental or field populations; their application to breeding programs through marker-assisted selection (MAS); or to bioengineer CRISPR/Cas9 gene variants to modulate traits and processes.

A strong track record in research areas related to genome-assisted breeding approaches and their application to crop or farm animal biology is preferred.  It is expected that the new research line will create synergies with the current Research Programs at CRAG (www.cragenomica.es/research-programs). Our main criterion is scientific excellence and we favor projects with a potential for high impact. Candidates are expected to develop an independent research line at the highest standards. Women are encouraged to apply.


What CRAG offers

CRAG offers a tenure-track position at the Junior level. CRAG is committed to provide new group leaders with the best possible support to successfully develop their careers. The successful candidate will receive office and equipped laboratory space, personnel grants to build her/his research team (a PhD student and a postdoctoral fellow) and financial aid.

Employed in compliance with Spanish legislation and regulations under a full-time contract. Employees receive the benefits of the Spanish Social Security system covering sickness, maternity/paternity leaves and injuries at work.


Position requirements, application procedure and deadline

Applications should include CV, letter of intent, brief research plan (4-pages maximum) and contact details for at least three referees. The CV must include the ORCID ID of the researcher, and applicants are advised to update their ORCID profile. The CV should also highlight and explain the five main scientific contributions of the applicant to date.  Application materials should be submitted through CRAG website: https://recruitment.cragenomica.es. Reference: JGL CRAG 17/2021

Informal inquiries are welcome and may be addressed to the Director, Prof. José Luis Riechmann (joseluis.riechmannatcragenomica.es). Review of applications will begin on June 21st, 2021


About CRAG

CRAG is an independent research institution established as a Consortium that includes the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Catalan Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and the University of Barcelona (UB). CRAG facilities, located at the UAB campus, were inaugurated in 2011: an ample and well-equipped building designed for modern plant biology and genomics research. CRAG brings together -under a unified management and operational structure- basic research groups in plant development, physiology, metabolism and genetics; groups in bioinformatics and genomics working on plants and animals; and applied projects developed together with Agbio, Biotech, and Breeding companies.

CRAG has been recognized since 2016 with the “Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence” award. The "Severo Ochoa” Program, from the Spanish Government, recognizes Centers that perform cutting-edge research and are among the world's best in their respective areas. CRAG is also a holder of the "Human Resources Excellence in Research" award from the European Commission. The award reflects CRAG's commitment to conduct transparent and merit-based recruitment and appraisal procedures and to provide attractive working conditions in alignment with the European Charter and Code. CRAG is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer and encourages women and underrepresented minorities to apply.

The position will be initially funded by the Severo Ochoa award.

For more information about CRAG, visit: http://www.cragenomica.es and https://biennialreport2018-2019.cragenomica.es

Severo Ochoa

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