Predoctoral fellowship (FPI 2023)-Animal Genomics | CRAGJobs



Predoctoral fellowship (FPI 2023)-Animal Genomics

Publication date:
20 Jul 2023
Application Deadline:
30 Sep 2023
Staff Type:
Research Staff
Research Type:
PhD Student
Research Program: Genomics Research Group:

Job description

Predoctoral fellowship (FPI 2023): Ascertaining the genetic mechanisms explaining the variation of dairy and viability traits in goats                                                                                              

  • CRAG is offering a 4 years predoctoral grant part of the "National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability in R+D+i" (FPI fellowships).
  • These fellowships are awarded to Plan Estatal project (FPI) from the 2022 call: PID2022-136834OB-I00.
  • The recruitment of fellows consists in an open and international student selection process according to the selection criteria indicated below:

 Criteria selection for FPI fellowships 2023

The criteria for evaluation will be: 

  • Criterion 1. Academic and/or scientific-technical trajectory of the candidate (up to 50 points)
    • Sub criterion 1 a) Scientific-technical contributions (up to 45 points). It will be valued academic record and other curricular merits of the candidate, as well as the adequacy of the same to the tasks to be carried out based on the training and professional experience.
    • Sub criterion 1.b): Mobility and internationalization (up to 5 points). It will be valued relevance and impact on their research career of the candidate's stays in national and international centers and/or in the industrial sector, attending to the prestige of the entity receiving the stay and the activity carried out.
  • Criterion 2. Adequacy of the candidate to the research activities to be carried out (up to 50 points). The adequacy of the candidate to the program, project or research activities to develop based on their training and experience previous. For this, the added value that the realization of the project will represent for his research career, as well as the value contributed to the center and to the hosting team.


Requirements to apply: 

Candidates must hold a degree that allows admission to the official doctoral programme at the time to join the host institution (it is not requested the candidate to hold the degree when the candidate applies). For instance, to join CRAG, candidates must hold a degree with a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in university studies of which at least 60 must be at Master level.


Application submission

Applications will be submitted via the CRAG Jobs application:


Documents required:

-Curriculum Vitae *

-Motivation letter*

-Higher education qualifications*

-Higher education academic transcripts in English (if different from Catalan, Spanish or English).


Deadline for submission of applications: 30th September 2023).


Evaluation and selection.

Evaluation Process:

-Eligibility check: HHRR staff at CRAG will check the eligibility of the applications received.

-Assessment process: applications will be evaluated by the principal investigator (PI). The PI could ask for an interview to selected candidates.

Following the assessment process, the PI will select the candidate.

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